Provincial Curia
St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus
The Society of Jesus, which was founded in Rome in 1540 by St. Ignatius Loyola, is the largest order of Catholic priests and brothers in the world. There are roughly 14,000 Jesuits currently serving on six continents and in 127 nations. Jesuits around the world are organized into geographical territories called provinces. Each province is headed by a provincial superior, usually just called the provincial. The present provincial of the Calcutta province is Fr. James Arjen Tete, SJ. As provincial he was appointed by and reports directly to the Society’s Superior General or Father General. Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ currently serves as the Society’s Superior General. He is responsible for the governance of the Society of Jesus. Authority for governance is transferred locally to provincials, who are responsible for the care and maintenance of the Jesuits and their apostolates in their province.
Rev Fr Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ (Superior General)
Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, SJ, of Venezuela, was elected the 31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuits’ General Congregation 36 (GC 36) on October 14, 2016, in Rome. Fr. Sosa leads the Society of Jesus, the largest religious order of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church.
Rev. Fr. James Arjen Tete, SJ (Provincial)
Provincial since 14 September 2023
Rev. Fr. R. P. Ripon Rozario, SJ (Mission Superior, Bangladesh)
Mission Superior, Bangladesh since 21 June 2022
Province Consultors
Fr. Masillamani T., SJ (since June 2024)
Fr. John Kerketta, SJ (since 9 November 2017)
Fr. Sunny Kunnel, SJ (since 01 October 2020)
Fr. Maria Joseph, SJ (since 01 October 2020)
Province Officials
Province Commission Coordinators
1. Service of Faith
a) JEPASA – Jesuit Pastors of South Asia : Fr. Mahananda Singh
b) PWPN – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network : Fr. Peter Durairaj
c) JIGSA – Jesuits in Ignatian Spirituality South Asia : Fr. Masillamni Thiraviam
d) JSD – Jesuit Spirituality and Dialogue : Fr. Timir Singha
e) CLC – Christian Life Communities : Fr. Cyriac Sebastian
2. Social Justice and Ecology
a) JESA – Jesuits in Social Action : Fr. John Kerketta
b) JEMAI – Jesuit Ministry among Adivasi/Indig. peoples : Fr. Salvator Murmu
c) JYMSA – Jesuit Youth Ministry in South Asia : Fr. Arun Lucas
d) Ecology: Fr. Antony Albert Suresh
3. Education Primary and Secondary
a) School: Fr. Zenith William
b) Santal Education: Fr. Joseph Pulickal
4. Higher Education and Intellectual Apostolate
a) JHEASA – Province Coordinator for Higher Education : Fr. Dominic Savio
b) JESCOM – Jesuits in Social Communication : Fr. James Vivekanandan
1. Formation: Fr. Maria Joseph
2. Vocation Promotion: Fr. Vivien Pattamana
3. Finance
a) Finance: Fr. Paul Carlose
b) Land and Building: Fr. Arulappan Rayappan
c) PDD – Province Development Director : Fr. M. Saju George
d) Examiner of Province Funds: Fr. Alfred Toppo (MAP)
4. Promoting a Consistent Culture of Protection (PCCP): Fr. Zenith William
5. Ministries Commission: Fr. Provincial
1. Jesuit Alumni/ae: Fr. Felix Raj
2. Brothers: Br. Chottu Hembrom
3. Migration and Displacement: Fr. John Kerketta
Commissions for Bangladesh Mission
Dialogue: Fr. Francis Dores
Education: Fr. Probash P. Rozario
Finance: Fr. Milton Costa
Formation: Fr. Charles Pollet
Land and Building: Fr. Joseph Mistri
Migration and Displacement: Fr. Jerry R. Gomes
Pastoral: Fr. Rohit Dominic Mree
Vocation Promotion: Fr. Eliash Sarkar